Degrees Page

The websites for academic units in CHSSWeb have a page that provides a list of the degrees and certificates offered by the unit. Each degree and certificate is linked to its degree requirements in the Program Application. This standard page is called the "Degrees" page.

Naming Convention for the "Degrees" Page

Name of webpage: Degrees and Certificates
URL: /programs
Name of link: "Degrees" or "Degrees and Certificates" depending on the unit
Recommended template: "admin_programs (??admin_programs_all)
NB: Only editors with admin rights can access this template.

In most sites, the link to the "Degrees" page is in the top left navigation, following the "About" page, if there is one.

The "Degrees" Page and "Admin_Programs" Template

When the "Degrees" page uses the "admin_programs" template, most of the information on the "Degrees" page (see an example) is generated dynamically by CHSSWeb. This information is updated automatically as new programs are added and old ones deleted. Other information on the "Degrees" page is generated locally. Editors of the academic unit have control of all local information.

Dynamically-generated Information

Editors cannot change dynamically-generated information by editing the static "Degrees" page. The information has to be changed in the Program Application (see below). Dynamically-generated information on the "Degrees" page includes:

  • a list of all the academic programs in the unit (degrees, minors, and certificates)
  • a predetermined display order for the programs -- Graduate followed by Undergraduate (going from highest to lowest)
  • a link from the name of each academic program to the degree requirements in the Program Application
  • a brief promotional summary, if the the unit has provided such information for the academic program
  • the name of the page: "Degrees and Certificates"

To change any of the dynamically-generated information, contact us.

Locally-generated Information

Other information on the "Degrees" page can be entered and updated by editors of the website.

  • Editors can add a resource group to the "Degrees" page. This enables editors to add information to the page about concentrations, associated minors, or honors programs.
    • Example of a resource group "Philosophy Department Resources for Graduate Students":
  • Editors can add text to the static web page. This text is displayed before the dynamically-generated list of degrees and certificates. Use this to provide a context for the programs offered, for instance.
  • Editors can add information to appear in the left sidebar of the degree page via the "additional information" text area. This feature could be used to present upcoming information sessions, for instance.
  • Editors can choose to feature events to the degree page. From the "Edit Page Information" box, click "Display events" in the "Publishing Controls" box.
  • Editors can feature one type of news brief on this page. From the "Edit Page Information" box, choose one news brief from the dropdown menu in the "Publishing Controls" box.
  • Editors can add an image to this page. See the bottom of the "Edit Page Information" box.

Alternate Presentations of Degrees and Naming Conventions

Graduate Degrees and Undergraduate Degrees

Some academic units have chosen to have two links from the left navigation, one for graduate and one for undergraduate.

Names of webpages: Degrees and Certificates
URLs: /programs-grad and /programs-undergrad
Names of links: Graduate Programs and Undergraduate Programs
Recommended template: "admin_programs


Some units have chosen to divide the main links by discipline:

Names of webpage: Degrees and Certificates
URLs: /programs-soci and /programs-anth
Names of links: Sociology Degrees, Anthropology Degrees


Variations to the Naming Conventions

For websites for which the only academic program is a minor:

Name: Minor
URL: Varies by site; links directly to the Academic Program requirements page for the minor

For units that choose to divide the main link from the left navigation into undergraduate and graduate:

Names: Graduate Degrees and Undergraduate Degrees
URLs: /programs-grad and /programs-undergrad

For units that choose to divide the main links by discipline:

Names: Sociology Degrees and Anthropology Degrees
URLs: /programs-soci and /programs-anth