Try Out the New CHSSWeb Search Function

Our new search is a big step forward from our previous search function. It is more attractive, provides more focused results, and allows visitors to filter by content type and to expand their searches across all CHSSWeb sites.

The search's updated design matches Mason's current styles and presents the results and the paging and filtering options in an attractive, intuitive way. Users can filter their results by content type and each result shows appropriate content for what it is. For instance, articles and faculty can have images, so they display those images in their search results. Dates are of primary importance for events, so event search results display the relevant dates. And so forth.

When items in the search results are tagged, a tag cloud will appear alongside the results. Users may click on a tag to refocus the search on that term. The resulting search will return both the tagged items and items that have the tag word in their text. The tag cloud refreshes when the user filters the results by type, changes the focus between a single site and all CHSS sites, or pages through results.

Please take some time to explore the new search and to read more about it on the CHSSWeb Help site.