Multimedia in CHSSWeb

The CHSSWeb system provides many ways for you to add images, audio and video to your site. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, you may attach images directly to your content or you may use simple HTML code and the WYSIWYG tool to embed images, audio or video.

Attaching Images

When you edit a page, a person or an article, you will see fields for attaching an image. This is the easiest way to get images onto your site. Each content type treats images differently. See the help sections for pages, people and articles for details on how each content type treats attached images.

Embedding Images, Audio, Video, and Other Content

The CHSSWeb system provides you with a great deal of flexibility regarding what you wish to add as content. Wherever you encounter a text area (e.g. the "Main Content" field when editing a page) you can embed multimedia using the WYSIWYG tool and its HTML editor.

To embed images, audio, movies, or forms on a page, you first need to have a URL or code snippet which links to the content you wish to embed. Examples of embedded content include but are not limited to:

  • An image uploaded using the CHSSWeb resources application
  • A video hosted on YouTube, Facebook, or another video host
  • Audio hosted on Podomatic, Soundcloud, or another audio host
  • A form generated by SurveyMonkey or Google Forms
For help with a CHSSWeb resource image, see the help page for embedding images. For help with other media, see the help page for embedding multimedia.