Site Titles

Sites typically represent an organization: a department, a program, a center, etc. People may be assigned titles on sites, with those titles representing their role in the organization that the site represents. Their title is specific to that site and does not carry over when their bio is displayed on other sites, with a few exceptions as described below.

Site titles are themselves site-associable content, which means your site displays only the titles you have decided are relevant. You can assign the titles as you wish. To update your list of available titles, you need only contact the CHSSWeb team.

As an editor, you have a great deal of control over titles on your sites and, as with all things, you should observe the Spider-Man rule: with great power comes great responsibility. Please take the time to understand the different kinds of titles and how they differ from faculty ranks.

Here are some examples of typical site titles:

  • Chair
  • Associate Chair
  • Director
  • Director of Graduate Programs
  • Director of Undergraduate Programs
  • Associate Director
  • Office Manager
  • Budget Manager

Assigning Titles

Follow these steps to associate site titles with people.

From the Dashboard

  1. In the left navigation, click on "Bios"
  2. Beneath "Bios," click on "Assign site titles"
  3. To remove a title from someone:
    1. Click "Remove".
  4. To add a title to someone:
    1. Select a title in the "Choose a title" select box at the top
    2. Select a person in the "Choose a person" select box at the top
    3. Click "Add title to person"

The person and title will then appear on the list below the select box. You may assign another title by following the same steps.

If you do not see the person you need on the list, then that person is not associated with the site you are editing. You will need to find them in the People tools and associate them with your site.

Associating Titles With Your Site

If you do not see the title you need, contact the CHSSWeb team.

Display Rules for Site Titles

Here is how the administrative title will display in CHSSWeb once a title has been added to a person on a specific unit's website.

  • The title will appear with the person's brief bio information on the List Page of all faculty and staff of the unit's website.
  • The title will appear on the Show Page of the person when viewed on that website.
  • The title and person will appear on the Contact Us page of the unit's website, if they use the "contact-list" template or another relevant template for their Contact Us page.
  • For chairs and directors, the title and person will appear on the Departments and Programs listing on the college's website. (Directors of centers do not appear on this page.)
  • CHSSWeb does not display administrative titles for units that do not have a website in CHSSWeb (other college's departments, for instance). It isn't possible to add the title of chair for the chair of a department in COS, since those departments don't have sites in CHSSWeb. Use the Custom Title for displaying such information: e.g. Chair, Department of Molecular Neuroscience.